
Polaris responds to sex and labor trafficking as they occur. The organization learns from these responses and shares its insights. Utilizing this knowledge, Polaris pilots innovative, large-scale ideas aimed at gradually and effectively dismantling the entrenched systems that enable trafficking.

Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through its three-pronged approach – prevent, restore, and bring justice.

Hookers for Jesus, founded and led by survivors, is a faith-based organization dedicated to offering direct care and trauma-informed services. This includes safe housing, outreach, advocacy, and more, all tailored for individuals who have suffered from trafficking and abuse.

Refuge for Women provides a safe place for women who are victims of sex trafficking. And while this problem feels international in its scope, it is very much a local issue. In fact, it is happening in your community right now.

Blue Campaign is a national public awareness campaign designed to educate the public, law enforcement, and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.

Signs of Hope’s mission revolves around providing hope, help, and healing to individuals impacted by sexual violence and exploitation. This mission is carried out through a comprehensive range of core services, including prevention, education, advocacy, and counseling.

Government Programs

Department of Family Services

FS Child Protection Services

FS Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline

Legal Aid of Southern Nevada

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